
Hello all!


Weblog administrator:

Prof. Mihai Tiuliumeanu

Project Coordinator – Romania

“Henri Coanda” Technical College Tulcea

* ‘This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This content of this weblog reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.’

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Welcome to our project weblog!

attention The official site of our project is designed by the Spanish team and it can be accessed at the address: http://www.climatchange.eu

The weblog is just a communication tool, so its role is to facilitate communication between students and teachers, giving the possibility to ask questions and receive answers, post comments, ideas, materials and anything they want, related with the project topic!

Enter on a page – students or teachers – and post your comments!



Expedition on the Danube

This video compiles extracts from two Cousteau’s films on the Danube river and the delta. The 2-years expedition on the Danube resulted in four films that show the high diversity and the uniqueness of Danube’s natural habitats. But these films also point out the multiple dangers and pollutions that threaten these fragile systems.

Danube Delta/Tulcea